Butuuro SACCO started operations in 2007 with just one million Ugandan shillings and was duly registered by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co-operatives on 15th November 2007 with Registration Certificate CR8583. The Organization is looking to evolving to a Microfinance Deposit taking institution (MDI), with a purpose of providing better social and financial solutions to both local and international clients
board Meeting
Our Vision

To be a strong Microfinance institution providing products that suit members’ needs

Our Mission

To provide members with quality and affordable products and services for sustainable development

Core Values

Integrity, Confidentiality, Efficiency,

Butuuro Financial Services Anthem

Become a member Today – Become financially liberated


  • Voluntary Savings

  • Fixed Deposit

  • Junior Account

  • Nyentsya Account

  • Collection Account

  • Group Savings Account

Commercial Loan

Grow your business with our low interest rates of 2.5% on reducing basis monthly and up to 24 months repayment period.

Agricultural Loan

We fund any agricultural project at any step in the agricultural value chain from the garden to the market putting emphasis in value addition

School Fees Loan

At BFS, we offer our members an affordable school fees loan product where interest rate is at 2.5% per month on reducing basis.

Boda Boda Loan

BFS has given an open opportunity for the youths to become self employed by offering them with Boda Boda loans.

Solar Loan

Power your home, school or business with our amazingly affordable Solar loan which is at a rate of 1.5% monthly reducing balance interest

Home Improvement Loan

We also have a home improvement loan product where we facilitate the process of making your home environment better.


Apply now for a loan of your choice


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